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Oberdorf 12
6075 Tulfes

 +43 677 62511879

VAT-Number: ATU80321037
Company register number: FN620218k
Commercial register court: Innsbruck Regional Court
Legal form: GmbH
Management: Michael Mohr
Sheet line: Presentation and sale of our products
Business pupose: Sports accessories
Trade according to trade licence: Commercial trade with the exception of regulated commercial trades.
Member of: WKO
Professional law: Trade regulations:

Attention is drawn to the possibility of settling disputes on the basis of an online dispute resolution platform (Art 14 Para 1 S 1 ODR-VO) ( and national consumer arbitration boards. SHINFORM is willing to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

Contents of our website

Although we are constantly developing our website and try to keep all information up to date, we unfortunately cannot assume any liability for the correctness and completeness of all contents of this website. If you notice any incorrect or problematic content, please contact us.

The further use and/or duplication of all or individual contents as well as the representation of this website in frames requires a written permission.

Links on our website

For all links leading to other websites, the respective operator/webmaster of the respective site is solely responsible. We are not liable for these links according to § 17 ECG, because we have no knowledge about illegal activities.

If you nevertheless notice an illegal link, please report it to us so that we can remove it as quickly as possible.

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